
ZJ186/187/188Special aluminum alloy wheel cleaning machine

ZJ186/187/188Special aluminum alloy wheel cleaning machine


ZJ188 roller-blast cleaning machine is in my ZJ186/ZJ187 on the basis of independent development of a new type of equipment. I was under the Buick Group of Jiangsu good precision mechanical and electrical requirements of specially designed aluminum alloy wheels clean up a dedicated machine. It has the following advantages:
       Shot using four large, high-speed ejection of the international fourth-generation cantilever centrifugal blast, can significantly improve the efficiency of the clean-up, was satisfied with the quality of the clean-up.
       Analog projection map (including blast-type, number and arrangement of space to determine the location, etc.) using computer-aided design (CAD) three-dimensional rendering,s Shot selection and layout are more reasonable. Increased utilization of the projectile and labor productivity, to ensure that the clean-up effect, reduce the room for a body guard of wear and tear. Equipment design using CAD fully completed.
       Separator Pan Bangen U.S. companies to adopt full-BE-curtain separator technology, effective separation.
       The entire set-up shot of the circulatory system using automatic detection device. When a site or poor functioning of the death card, and automatically report to the police failure to inform the site so that maintenance personnel can be targeted to repair.
       Clean-up work through the roller will work to move to clean up rooms, while moving side to sort out, a high degree of automation, reduce labor intensity.




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Special aluminum alloy wheel cleaning machine

Special aluminum alloy wheel cleaning machine
Copyrigth 2015 Qingdao Haolida Mechanic Manufacturing Co.,Ltd    Add:Taidong 7 road No.66,Xihaihan,Qingdao